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Posted in California COVID-19 New York State States U.S. Congress

Dem-Sponsored “HEROES” Act Would Favor California, Not So Much New York.

May 20, 2020 – The Democratic-controlled House of Representatives passed the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act…

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Posted in Budgets Economy States

Tax Flight Is Real: TX and FL Gain. NY, CA and NJ Lost Residents.

January 6, 2020 – In a report authored by Bank of America Securities analyst Ian Rogow, 2017-2018 migration data issued…

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Posted in Cities Investor Outlook Rates States Technicals Transportation Finance

BlackRock Reduced Long-Dated Bond Holdings in $11B Muni Fund

August 29, 2019 – BuyMuni’s analysis of BlackRock’s Strategic Municipal Opportunities Fund (“SMO Fund”) investor materials revealed tactical shifts within…

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Posted in Budgets Economy Rating Agencies States

Fitch: Most States Experiencing Revenue Growth But FY2020 Outlook Remains Cautious

In a report issued on August 1, 2019, Fitch Ratings (“Fitch”) analysts opined that most U.S. states are experiencing solid…

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Posted in Budgets Cities Credit Ratings Economy States Taxes

How Low Interest Rates Could Wreck State/Local Budgets and Hurt Credit Quality

The past week was a bumper week in munis, with nearly $14 billion in new issuance. It was also one…

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Posted in Credit Ratings Healthcare States

States Saddled with Retiree Healthcare Liabilities Would Benefit from Medicare-for-All. Correction: Their Bondholders Will.

If polls are to be believed, a majority of Americans are ready to remove President Trump in 2020, electing what…

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Posted in Hedge Funds Illinois Investing Markets Retail Investors States

[Op-Ed] Something Fishy Is Brewing in Illinois. Smells Like Bacalao.

This is not an op-ed about the state of Illinois’ credit. As a progressive, I am holding out for the…

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Posted in Economy Issuers Opinion Politics States

[Op-Ed] The Growing “Optimism Divide” Between the North East and the South

[Opinion] July 24, 2019 – Sitting through the issuer presentations at the J.P. Morgan Transportation and Utility Conference in New…

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Posted in Labor Legal States

Landmark “Janus” Ruling Hasn’t Erode Union Power, Yet.

July 12, 2019 – Despite the landmark Supreme Court Janus ruling that non-union governmental workers may not be required to…

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Posted in Budgets Credit Ratings States

[WSJ] Connecticut’s Blue Politicians Spill an Ocean of Red Ink

The Wall Street Journal reported on June 14, 2019 that Connecticut’s biennial budget soon to be signed by new Democratic…