Chicago Breaks with NYC; Mayor Lightfoot Says Schools Won’t Reopen in the Fall.

August 5, 2020 – Will they or won’t they? The question top-of-mind for millions this month is not whether the stock market will go up (never go against the Fed!) or whether a second COVID-19 wave is imminent (how can it not be?), but whether schools will reopen in the Fall.

Los Angeles Unified School County – the nation’s second largest – announced on July 13 that the school term commencing August 18 would be fully online. In a more recent announcement on August 3, LAUSD detailed a slew of initiatives including providing all students with internet connection and a computer; as well as providing teachers with child care services.

Chicago’s schools – the nation’s third largest system – announced today that the school year commencing September 8 will start completely online, leaving New York City alone among the top 3 school districts as Mayor deBlasio appears resolute in pushing through a “hybrid” virtual and in-school instruction come Fall. Governor Cuomo has yet to issue a plan for New York schools, and insists he has the authority to side-step the New York City’s Mayor.

Based on AP reporting, Mayor Lori Lightfoot said:

“Here in Chicago, we are in a better place than most other areas in the country and in the surrounding area. But the fact of the matter is, we are seeing an increases in cases. The decision to start remotely makes sense for a district of CPS’ size and diversity.”

School systems around the country – notably New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago – have been under tremendous pressure by teaching unions to keep schools closed. Political leaders have been eager to partially reopen – as continued school closures are stymieing parents from returning to work.

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Author: Lisa Lopez