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Posted in ESG Investment Banking Opinion Underwriting

[Op-Ed] New York Should Stop Awarding Bond Underwriting Business to Goldman and Wells Fargo

New York considers herself an enlightened state. From educational equity to gay marriage; NYC ID to tenant protection, both State…

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Posted in Cities Issuers Opinion Politics

[Op-Ed] Can Lloyd Blankfein Become New York City’s 110th Mayor?

July 15, 2019 – At a Hamptons party this weekend, yours truly stumbled on a particularly raucous conversation on the…

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Posted in Budgets Hedge Funds Illinois Legal Restructuring Sell-Side Research

Citi Analysts: Questionable Attempt to Question the Legality of Illinois GO Debt

July 2, 2019 – In a “flash” note issued late Monday, Citi’s municipal analysts Vikram Rai and Jack Muller cast…

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Posted in Economic Development Education ESG Taxes

[Opinion] The Art of Self-Gifting: Stanford’s $4.7 Billion “Package” For Local Housing and Schools

June 24, 2019 – Stanford University, whose $20+ billion endowment ranks as one of the largest in the nation –…

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Posted in Credit Ratings Investing Investor Outlook Opinion States

[OP-ED] What The Conning Report Should Really Be Saying: Decades Of Hispanic Migration Have Boosted Credit Quality

Conning – a Hartford-based asset manager with over $140 billion AUM – issued its “State of the States” (SOTS) credit research…