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Posted in Economic Development Education Issuers New York State

How Governor Cuomo’s Free College Tuition Program Is Destroying New York’s Private Colleges

July 22, 2019 – Bloomberg’s Amanda Albright reported how New York’s free college tuition plan “tore a hole in the…

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Posted in Economic Development Issuers Rating Agencies

Moody’s Is Skeptical About Economic Development Programs – “Hurt Government Credit Quality”

July 10, 2019 – In a report issued today, Moody’s Investor Service expressed concerns on economic development and/or job incentive…

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Posted in Economic Development Education ESG Taxes

[Opinion] The Art of Self-Gifting: Stanford’s $4.7 Billion “Package” For Local Housing and Schools

June 24, 2019 – Stanford University, whose $20+ billion endowment ranks as one of the largest in the nation –…