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Posted in NYC Opinion Real Estate Taxes

Opinion: Only $550/Month Property Taxes, If You Can Afford Paying $59 Million For This Hudson Yards Penthouse

Hudson Yards is an undeniable success. The Vessel – Thomas Heatherwick’s public installation – is a masterpiece that draws thousands…

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Posted in Broker-Dealer ESG Federal Reserve Uncategorized Underwriting

Regulator Rebukes Wells Fargo (Again!). Bank Fired and Blacklisted Thousands of Low-Level Employees

December 4, 2019 – In an exclusive, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Office of the Comptroller of the…

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Posted in Investment Banking Issuers Opinion Underwriting

Muni Bankers Should Savor Their 2019 Bonus. Lean Years Lie Ahead.

November 26, 2019 – About this time every year, Wall Street bankers begin the process of performance evaluation and bonus…

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Posted in Budgets NYC

Opinion: Why A Rainy Day Fund Is A Terrible Idea for New York City

Time and again, American voters forgive politicians with bad ideas – so long as they possess slick delivery. Often, voters…

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Posted in Budgets CAFR Cities NYC

BuyMuni’s Ten Observations on New York City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report 2019

October 31, 2019 – New York City’s financials are a window into local government finances and the health of the…

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Posted in Economy Federal Reserve Markets Rates

GS/MS: Yesterday’s Fed Cut May Be Final Cut For A While

October 31, 2019 – Two major dealers – Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley – issued reports concluding yesterday’s FOMC 25bp…

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Posted in Europe Markets

Morgan Stanley: Many Brexit Scenarios, But “No-Deal” Now Increasingly Remote

October 29, 2019 – In a report issued today, Morgan Stanley noted that the United Kingdom’s Conservative Party leads the…

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Posted in Cities Climate Change ESG Opinion

Mercer Family-Backed Conservative Group Accuses Municipal Bond Issuers Of Being Hypocrites on Climate Change

October 28, 2019 – In a Wall Street Journal opinion piece published yesterday, Peter Schweizer – President of a conservative…

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Posted in Credit Ratings Investing Issuers New York State Rating Agencies

S&P Cuts Tobacco Bond Ratings

October 25, 2019 – S&P Global Ratings downgraded 67 tobacco bond CUSIPs yesterday, citing weak cigarette sales and declining credit…

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Posted in Budgets Cities NYC

NYC Cash Balance Declined 25% in FY19; Lowest Year End Cash Balance Since 2013

September 9, 2019 – In its Quarterly Cash Report issue today, NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer’s Office reported that the City’s…