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Posted in Broker-Dealer ESG Investment Banking

S&P: Wells Fargo CEO Was Highest Paid in 2019

August 11, 2020 – A report by S&P said Charles Scharf, CEO of Wells Fargo, was the highest paid banking…

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Posted in Broker-Dealer Investment Banking Issuers Underwriting

NYC Selects Underwriters. Wells Is In. Goldman and Morgan Stanley Are Out. Minority Firms Achieve 33% of Book-Running Roles.

August 7, 2020 – New York City announced results of its recent procurement process this morning – selecting underwriting firms…

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Posted in Broker-Dealer Investing Markets Public Debt Offering Sell-Side Research

Foreign Investors Can Achieve Over 120 Bps Incremental Yield For Taxable Munis

July 21, 2020 – An analysis by Bank of America indicated European and many Asian investors can achieve significant incremental…

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Posted in Broker-Dealer Issuers New York State NYC Opinion

Opinion: New York’s Large Bond Issuers Must Do More To Elevate Black-Owned Public Finance Firms

June 5, 2020 – All things considered, the $4 trillion U.S. municipal bond market has been welcoming of Black-owned public…

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Posted in Broker-Dealer Federal Reserve Issuers

One Year After California Quietly “Un-Banned” Wells Fargo From Muni Underwriting, The Bank Is Under Federal Investigation Again. Charges of Racism Taint Wall Street’s (Once) Favourite Bank.

May 7, 2020 – When making controversial decisions, politicians have learned that the best strategy is stealth. On April 3…

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Posted in Broker-Dealer Investing Markets Sell-Side Research Uncategorized

Morgan Stanley: Weaker Returns Likely For Municipal Bonds.

January 21, 2020 – In a research report issued today, Morgan Stanley opined that rich valuations for municipal bonds are…

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Posted in Broker-Dealer Investing Investor Outlook Issuers

Bank of America Muni Recap for 2019: It Was A Rather Great Year

January 3, 2020 – In a report issued this morning by BofA Securities (“BAS”), analysts Yingchen Li and Ian Rogow…

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Posted in Broker-Dealer Markets New York State NYC Underwriting

BofA Tops NY League Table. Wells Fargo Shut Out – Head of Public Finance Seconded To Bill Daley’s Government Affairs “A-Team”

December 23, 2019 – Based on Thomson Reuters data released this morning, BofA Securities retained its traditional lead atop the…

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Posted in Broker-Dealer ESG Federal Reserve Uncategorized Underwriting

Regulator Rebukes Wells Fargo (Again!). Bank Fired and Blacklisted Thousands of Low-Level Employees

December 4, 2019 – In an exclusive, the Wall Street Journal reported that the Office of the Comptroller of the…

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Posted in Broker-Dealer Funds

Why The Best Performing Funds May Not Be Distributed Through Your Brokerage House

July 9, 2019 – In a recent report, Barron’s highlighted the “pay-to-play” arrangement involving large brokerage houses like Morgan Stanley,…