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Posted in Economy Global Economy Healthcare Issuers

Opinion: How #Coronavirus Could Decimate Muni Credit

February 28, 2020 – Two weeks ago, when BuyMuni highlighted institutional investor concerns about the coronavirus outbreak, the stock market…

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Posted in Budgets Issuers Markets

As Fear Grips Investors, Muni Players Ponder: Do Dark Clouds Lie Ahead?

February 24, 2020 – The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 3.56%, or 1,031 points on Monday, while the S&P 500 and Nasdaq fell 3.35% and 3.71%,…

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Posted in Budgets Economy Healthcare Investing Investor Outlook Issuers

Stocks Plummet. 30Y Tsy at 1.8%. It’s A Very Mixed Outlook for Municipals.

February 24, 2020 – As of this morning, fears of a prolonged #coronavirus outbreak and potential Bernie Sanders’ Presidency tanked…

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Posted in Economy ESG Global Economy Markets

Moody’s: Coronavirus Clouds Global Growth Outlook. Conditions Could Worsen If Virus Not Contained in Q1.

February 18, 2020 – In a report issued this week, Moody’s Investor Service opined that the coronavirus outbreak is likely…